Monday 12 December 2016

A Muslim Cannot Live Without Quran

A Muslim Cannot Live Without Quran

A Muslim
Cannot Live
Without Quran.
        If you want to live as a Muslim, it is not possible without the Holy Qur'an.  A famous verse by Allama Iqbal in which Iqbal gave the concept of an ideal Muslim and Islamic society. It is only possible if it is derived from the Holy Quran,

        That the organization of the community is only possible through the law, and that the law of the community of Muhammad is the Quran.

        You, whose faith by custom is enslaved, Incarnated by the charms of paganism. You who have torn your heritage to pieces, Stepping the road to an odious goal, 
 If you will live the Muslim life again This can not be except for the Quran, 
"One who adheres to the religion of a people or nation that does not recognize God". 
O Muslim, you can not live without following the Qur'an.

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