Monday 12 December 2016

Only In The Remembrance Of Allah

Only In The Remembrance Of Allah

Only In The
Remembrance Of
Can The Heart Find
        As you all know, there are a number of forms of worship that each of us can perform either by the actions he does or by the words he says or by the things that enter his heart. And among the greatest forms of worship we do with our hearts is what is known as at-tawaqqul-depends on Allah.

        Allah the Almighty says in the Quran, "And to Allah belong the invisibles of the heavens and the earth, and to him the matter will be returned, all this, so they will worship and trust in him." Your belief is not complete without completing at-tawaqqul. Allah SWT says:
"And put your trust in Allah if you really believe." [Sura Al-Ma'idah: 23] meaning that if you do not have full confidence and trust in Allah, then you are not a true believer. 
O Allah, grant us the true tawaqqul in You and make our hearts connect with you.

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