I believe Allah Has A perfect Timing.
Never Early, Never Late.
It Takes A Little Patience And Faith,
But It Is Worth The Wait."
Prophecy is another fundamental article of faith in Islam. A Muslim must believe in the prophecy and all the prophets sent by God and make no distinction between them.
Man has been put on this earth by God so that his obedience to his Maker can be tested. For this purpose he has been given complete freedom to tread the paths of good and evil. He has a choice. But to follow the path that God desires for him, man needs guiding principles. The true source of guidance, according to Islam, is found in prophecy. Throughout human history, God in His infinite Mercy selected certain individuals to communicate his message to humanity, so that all human beings could have the opportunity to follow the right path. These elect were called prophets, or messengers. A prophet is a person chosen by God as his representative. When God appoints someone as His Messenger, He sends His angel to inform Him of His new status. In this way, the individual can not have doubts about his appointment as an apostle of God. Later, God reveals his message through his angels, so that he can communicate the divine teachings to all his fellow men.
God has given man a mind so that he may be endowed with understanding. But this mind can only grasp things that are self-evident. It can not go below the surface, and there are many things that must be apprehended, for which superficial knowledge is insufficient. The deeper realities of this world are beyond the reach of the human mind, and as far as God and the successive world are concerned, they must remain forever invisible - beyond the reach of human perception.
What the Prophet does is enlighten people so that they can overcome this human inadequacy. He speaks of the reality of things here and now, and also gives the news of the next world. In this way, it allows the individual to formulate a plan for all his existence in the full light of knowledge and consciousness, so that he can build a successful life for himself.
Since the establishment of human beings on earth, the prophets have come one after another. In every age they have been the transporters of God's messages to human beings. However, the records of these ancient prophets have survived have been historically unreliable by interpolations. The same is true of the books they brought to mankind. The only exception was the case of Prophet Muhammad, who had been chosen by God as His Final Messenger. The Prophet was born at a time when the history of the world was already being largely chronic. This by itself made the circumstances conducive to keeping true records of the messages of God and the exemplary life of the Prophet. The relevant facts were transmitted from one generation to another by oral and written tradition, and with the arrival of the printing press came the modern guarantee that changes in the divine writings would never be made. This makes unintelligible the position of Prophet Muhammad (on whom to be peace) as the Final Messenger of God and His only representative on earth until the Day of Judgment.
All the prophets, according to Islam, brought the same basic truth: that there is only one God and that all human beings are accountable to God for their actions: when the Last Day of Judgment finally comes, they will be judged by Him according to His good and Bad adventures Those who believe in God and His Prophet will be rewarded by God in the next world, while those who do not believe will be punished by God in the next world as it corresponds to the actions they have done on earth. "God chooses for himself whom he wills, and guides himself to those who turn to him in repentance" (42:13)
The messengers of God came to all ages and to all regions. According to a hadith, beginning with Adam and ending with the Prophet Muhammad, 1,24,000 messengers were sent forth to guide the people on the right path. The prophets mentioned by name in the Koran are two dozen in number. The five chief prophets who came before Muhammad were Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moses) and Isa (Jesus). The Prophet Muhammad, the last in this long line of prophets, was known as the "Seal of the Prophets."
In the past the need for new prophets had arisen because the religion of God, having been distorted in several different ways, was no longer in its pristine form. The new prophets had to come to the world periodically to revive the true spirit of religion and restore it to its original form. After the Prophet Muhammad, there was no need for another prophet, because the Book-the Quran which he gave to the world, has remained intact, in its original form.
The Islamic concept of prophecy is different from that of other religions. Some religions want even God himself to incarnate in human form, and that his prophets are somehow superhuman or from another world. But a prophet in the Islamic sense is no different from any other human being. Its uniqueness lies simply in being the chosen messenger of God.
The Apostles of God were born in this world just like any other human being. They directed their lives as others did, thus demonstrating to their people how the servants of God should, in practice, conduct themselves on earth and show them clearly which way they should go to avoid God's displeasure and become worthy of His blessings. The prophets who brought the books were called rasul, while those who did not were called nabi.
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